Mental Health check in

Check-in on your Mental Health with our weekly articles for all things Therapy and Mental Health. These articles are to share the tales of those who have the same thoughts as you. Remember that healing is a process, and you're not alone if these articles are any indication.

Benefits of Therapy

Over the years, a general notion that comes with therapy is that you should access it only when you are feeling down and anxious or going through something very overwhelming. However, therapy can be beneficial for several other matters as well! Studies show that therapy can be beneficial for reasons such as self-acceptance; expressing yourself freely; improving communication skills, making career choices, developing healthy lifestyle habits and so much more. There are no limits to how therapy can benefit you, and what you can achieve from it.

by: Counslink


Anxiety is characterised by feelings of tensions, intrusive thoughts, concerns and worried thoughts. Physical symptoms associated with anxiety can be defined by increased blood pressure, nausea, breathing rapidly (hyperventilation), sweating, trembling or feeling weak and tired. The general signs of anxiety are difficulty handling uncertainty, inability to relax, feeling restless, indecisiveness and fear of making wrong decisions. Some ways we can deal with anxiety are through meditation and guided breathing, taking a break from social media or keeping a journal and writing down your thoughts. Seeking professional help from a therapist is always an option.

by: Counslink


Burnout can be defined as a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion. It occurs due to prolonged periods of feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained and unable to meet constant demands. Signs of burnout can be constantly feeling dissatisfied, exhausted and lack of motivation, easily irritated, insomnia and constant anxiety. The best way to prevent burnout is to take some time off from your daily activities which cause you to feel overwhelmed, and allow yourself to rest your mind and recharge!

by: Counslink

How to find the
therapist for you

How to find a therapist in Ontario? Google searches such as "counselling near me" or "therapy near me" may not show exactly what you are looking for, and additionally, given there are various types of therapy such as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), EMDR etc. you may not know what kind of therapy you need. Counslink allows you to browse through a list of therapists in your area, and show you the kind of treatment and issues each of these licensed therapists specialize in. Moreover, you can scroll through the available time slots for each therapist and choose a time slot which is most convenient for you!

by: Counslink

Types of Therapy

While there are various types of therapy, and licensed therapists determine the most appropriate approach based on each specific condition and the issues you are trying to address, it is not important to know about how each type of therapy works. However, it is quite interesting to look into.

Here is a list of some common approaches used by therapists.
Psychodynamic Therapy - This type of therapy is a long-term approach, which allows you to talk about anything, which in return allows the therapist to determine thinking patterns, and understand how your thought process may be negatively impacting you or causing distress.

Behavioural Therapy - This type of therapy is more action-oriented. This analyzes how you developed a certain behaviour and how a specific behaviour may be causing you distress.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - CBT is a mixture of both psychodynamic and behavioural therapy. This type of therapy analyzes how you feel about certain situations in your life or about yourself, and how these feelings may be negatively impacting your mental health.

Humanistic Therapy - This type of therapy considers your views about global and societal events/issues. Humanistic therapy suggests that your perspective on certain matters impact how you make decisions in your personal life, and how this thought process may be causing you distress.

by: Counslink

How Mindset Affects Us

Our minds work in mysterious ways. It allows us to believe in certain ideas and discard other beliefs. Our mind consists of the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

The conscious mind helps us apply logic to our thoughts and make decisions. Our subconscious mind processes all our thoughts without logic and gives relevant emotions and actions as a result of our thoughts.
The greatest minds have always suggested that the secret to their success has always been the ability to believe in themselves. This is where it gets interesting. Our subconscious mind processes every single thought we have. There is no logic applied to these thoughts, hence if a thought is accompanied by a feeling of uncertainty, the subconscious mind will pair anxious emotions to the thought, and vice versa, if the thought is accompanied by certainty, the subconscious mind will pair belief and motivation to the thought.

This is where we need to learn to believe in ourselves, and in our abilities. Once we make it a habit to think of everything with positivity, there is no limit what we can do!

by: Counslink

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