our story

Counslink's vision is to create a world of compassion and inclusivity by breaking the taboo and stigma around mental health and raising awareness on a global stage towards a progressive future. Counslink's strives to change the narrative around mental health by alleviating the issues of accessing mental health support and encouraging people to prioritize their mental well-being.

how counslink started

Counslink stems from personal struggles and a vision to change the world.

Like many others, we have gone through a period of mental health struggles while at university and after graduation. While we did learn to eventually understand and find remedies for our struggles, we realised that there weren't any resources available at our disposal to easily find support for mental health care. The more we looked into it the more we noticed the lack of awareness on mental health care. This really fuelled a passion in us to help others who are going through difficult times and don't know how to access support.

We came together with a vision to improve the accessibility of mental health services and providing a one-stop shop for all mental health resources. That is why Counslink was initiated, to allow people to easily connect with a therapist and find the right tools for their well-being. We believe that therapy is for all, for when life gets tough and even when things are looking up. We hope that our small step towards healthcare can lead to a positive change in your life.

- Mahira and Farhan

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If you are in a crisis, call 911 or look at these resources for immediate support.
Copyright 2021, Counslink Inc.